​â¶Ä‹The Educational Progress Division provides support to local districts in the areas of As​sessment and Accountability, Differentiated Assistance and District Support, Local Control Accountability Plans, Multi-Tiered System of Support, and State and Federal Projects. Additionally, the division is the home for the Inclusion Collaborative and supports a statewide project in standards implementation, partnering with the California County Superintendents.​​â¶Ä‹â€‹â¶Ä‹â€‹
If you are interested in any type of service, please click the link below and complete the request form. Thank you.​â¶Ä‹
The Continuous Improvement and Accountability Department provides support to districts and charters in ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø to engage in continuous improvement and meet state and federal guidelines.
Inclusion Collaborative
The Inclusion Collaborative of SCCOE promotes a culture that values all children by strengthening, sustaining, and ensuring inclusive practices. Every individual regardless of abilities and disabilities has the right to equitable access to quality inclusive learning and community environments.
State and Regional Projects
State and Regional Projects Department​ provides local, regional, and statewide leadership to build capacity for County Offices of Education, districts, and charter schools with a focus on continuous improvement on priority areas identified by the state leading to positive outcomes for students.
​Bay Area Geographic Leads Consortium
California Collaborative for Inclusive Practices​